63 research outputs found

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    E-commerce and territorial development in the Objective-1 spanish regions

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    The information and communication technologies constitute one of the main forces of the globalization. In this framework, the e-commerce takes advantage of Internet to improve the competitiveness of the companies and territories. In the nowadays scenario, the e-commerce opens development posibilities for the regions fewer developed, creating a virtual space that saves the geographical barriers. However, the use of its advantages requires infrastructures and equipment, organizational capacity and high formation in new technologies. In spite of the deficit that the objetive 1 spanish regions show in these fields to develop the their own Information Society, the attitude and the efforts of the public and private agents in improving their position in the national and international context, they open optimistic expectations on the future use of the advantages that the e-commerce offers for the growth and the improvement of the regional competitiveness in Spain. Nevertheless, one cannot hope the e-commerce is a decisive element to eliminate the territorial inequalities, not even the technologies of the information in its group, but rather it can be that they originate a restructuring of the spanish and european territorial pattern, where some regions will be able to improve thanks to the extension and deeping of the digital economy and others will worsen its position in the territorial system. In any event, the developed regions leave of a better position. All the analysts coincide in pointing out that the e-commerce is in an incipient phase, for what es expected that its growth in next years is very important. In this sense, this communication seeks to analyze the use of the possibilities that the e-commerce offers as tool of improvement of the competitiveness in the objetive 1 spanish regions in the framework of the regional development. To get this objetive, the theoretical linkings are revised among the new information and communication technologies, that allow the use of Internet like a trade channel, and the territorial development, showing the different focuses with those that are come approaching the influences of the Information Society on the regional competitiveness. Also, the current situation and perspectives of the objetive one spanish regions are rewied to face the challenges that outline the technological advances in this field in three environments: infrastructures and equipment; organization, support institutions and administration initiatives; and innovation, knowledge and formation.

    Integración cooperativa y TIC’s: presente y futuro

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    In recent decades, the world economy has undergone a profound process of transformation which has speeded up since the mid-1990s because of the massive implementation of the Internet and the consequent facilitation of trade between agents and regions. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the current situation and prospects for the use of the Internet, especially e-mail, in the secondlevel cooperative sector in Spain. The research method used is based on an empirical study in which surveys were carried out amongst more than 37 per cent of Spanish second-level cooperatives.Second-level cooperatives, information and communication technologies, e-mail, Internet.

    Desarrollo territorial y economía social

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    Many studies state that social economy enterprises are the formulas responsible for generating a business network in rural or depressed areas, bringing about a process of economic development in those areas. One of the possibilities that has often been considered for implementing economic development policies is the possibility of making greater use of cooperativism. However, we should not consider cooperative enterprises to be the only element of transformation; other formulas of social economy can also play an important role. This article presents social economy enterprises, on the whole, as development agents, analysing the consequences that changes in development policy have on the social economy and studying the distinctive features of these enterprises that make them the driving force behind development.Social economy, cooperativism, local and rural development, territory.

    Internet e comércio internacional de manufaturas: uma aproximação com dados de setores industriais

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    Existem evidências de que as expectativas geradas no caso da Internet, como elemento capaz de abrir novos mercados às empresas, não estão sendo cumpridas. O propósito deste estudo é analisar a possível relação que existe entre a intensidade com que os setores industriais de uma economia incorporam e aproveitam as TIC e o volume de negócios que contratam nos mercados internacionais, partindo de informação estatística referente à indústria da Espanha.  partir da informação estatística disponível sobre incorporação e uso comercial das TIC, comércio exterior e produção das distintas indústrias espanholas definem-se distintas variáveis, contrastando-se a relação linear entre elas. As indústrias com maior atividade exportadora e importadora são, dessa forma, as que cada vez contratam maior volume de negócios através do comércio eletrônico, particularmente através de distintos canais de comunicação, como EDI, Minitel ou Internet. Sem embargo, chama a atenção a ausência de tal relação, quando se considera o comércio eletrônico realizado exclusivamente através da Internet. Os resultados justificam a necessidade de ações mais intensivas que potencializem o uso dos novos sistemas eletrônicos de comercialização internacional, especialmente no âmbito das pequenas e médias empresas.Il est évident que les expectatives concernant Internet, en tant qu'élément pouvant produire une ouverture de nouveaux marchés pour les entreprises, ne donnent pas de résultats. Le but de cette étude est d'analyser la relation existant entre l'intensité selon laquelle les secteurs industriels d'une économie incorporent les TIC et en tirent profit et le volume d'affaires effectuées sur les marchés internationaux, à partir de l'information statistique en référence de l'industrie d'Espagne. À partir de cette information statistique disponible concernant l'incorporation et l'utilisation commerciale des TIC, le commerce extérieur et la production de différentes industries espagnoles, différentes variables sont définies dont la relation linéaire est contrastée. Ainsi, les industries démontrant une plus grande activité d'exportation et importation sont celles qui ont un volume d'affaires plus important par le biais du commerce électronique, et plus particulièrement par des chaînes de communication différentes, telles qu'EDI, Minitel ou Internet. Il faut cependant observer l'absence de cette relation si l'on considère le commerce électronique réalisé exclusivement par Internet. Le résultat justifie la nécessité d'actions plus intensives permettant l'utilisation de nouveaux systèmes électroniques dans la commercialisation internationale, et plus spécialement pour les petites et moyennes entreprises.Existen evidencias de que las expectativas generadas en el caso de Internet como elemento capaz de abrir nuevos mercados a las empresas no se están cumpliendo. El propósito de este estudio es analizar la posible relación que existe entre la intensidad con que los sectores industriales de una economía incorporan y aprovechan las TIC y el volumen de negocio que contratan en los mercados internacionales, partiendo de información estadística referida a la industria de España. A partir de la información estadística disponible sobre incorporación y uso comercial de las TIC, comercio exterior y producción de las distintas industrias españolas se definen distintas variables y se somete a contraste la relación lineal entre ellas. Las industrias con mayor actividad exportadora e importadora son, asimismo, las que cada vez contratan más volumen de negocio a través del comercio electrónico, particularmente a través de distintos canales de comunicación, como EDI, Minitel o Internet. Llama la atención, sin embargo, la ausencia de dicha relación cuando se considera el comercio electrónico realizado exclusivamente a través de Internet. Los resultados justifican la necesidad de acciones más intensivas que potencien el uso de los nuevos sistemas electrónicos en la comercialización internacional, especialmente en el ámbito de las pequeñas y medianas empresas.Some evidences show how the potential generated by using the Internet as a tool able to open new commercial markets is not being fulfilled. The study´s purpose is to analyze the possible intensity with which the industrial sectors incorporate and take advantage of the Internet and the volume of business generated in international markets, based on statistical information referring to Spanish industry. Starting from the available statistical information on the incorporation and commercial use of ICT, the foreign trade and production of various Spanish industries are assigned different variables and the lineal relationships among them are contrasted. Those industries with the largest importing and exporting activities are, at the same time, those that get more and more business via electronic commerce, particularly through different communication channels, such as EDI, Minitel or Internet. However, it is interesting to note the absence of this kind of relationship when we look at the e-commerce carried out exclusively through the Internet. The results justify the necessity of taking more intensive actions to improve the use of the new electronic systems in the international commercialization, especially in the environment of the small and medium sized companies

    Popularity in Social Networks. The Case of Argentine Beekeeping Production Entities

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    The context of the COVID pandemic has accelerated the pace of the digitalization of society, especially of its business fabric. Among the various applications offered by the Internet, social networking platforms have been identified as powerful tools that organizations have at their disposal for the development of their online business activities. This is due to the closeness and trust generated by word-of-mouth communication. In this context, the aim of this article is to identify which organizational characteristics are directly related to popularity on social networks, measured by the number of followers on these accounts. In order to achieve this objective, the Argentinean beekeeping organizations have been taken as a case study and the fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis method has been used. The results obtained allow us to validate the different organizational factors which, beyond the use of Facebook itself, lead to better results for the organizations in their social network strategies. These factors include their cooperative nature, localization, environmental sensitivity and presence on other digital platforms.EEA San JuanFil: Andrieu, Jimena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Juan; Argentina.Fil: Andrieu, Jimena. Universidad Nacional de San Juan; Argentina.Fil: Fernández-Uclés, Domingo. University of Jaén. Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences. Department of Business Organization, Marketing and Sociology; EspañaFil: Mozas-Moral, Adoración. University of Jaén. Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences. Department of Business Organization, Marketing and Sociology; EspañaFil: Bernal-Jurado, Enrique. University of Jaén. Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences. Department of Economics; Españ

    Sustainable Development Goal in the beekeeping sector and its cooperative network

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global priority in terms of com mitment to the responsible development of society. This paper focuses on beekeeping as a strategic sector of the Argentine economy due to its important socio-economic and environmental impacts. The objective of this research is to analyze the practices of beekeeping entities in their alignment with the achievement of the SDGs (with a focus on SDGs 5, 8, 9, 12 and 17), paying special attention to the differential contribution of companies with cooperative formula. It focuses on actions related to work organization, production, innovation and market insertion. To this end, we used variable significance analysis for 2x2 matrices and multivariate factor analysis of multiple correspondences. The results obtained show that there is a positive alignment between the practices of beekeeping sector entities and SDG 5, SDG 12 and SDG 17, with a differential and positive trend for organizations with a cooperative formula. However, the results also show the future challenges faced by the sector, especially with regard to SDGs 8 and 9.Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) son una prioridad a nivel mundial en términos de compromiso por un desarrollo responsable de la sociedad. Este trabajo se centra en la apicultura por ser un sector estratégico de la economía argentina por sus importantes impactos socio-económicos y ambientales. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las prácticas de las entidades apícolas en su alineación con la consecución de los ODS (con foco en los ODS 5, 8, 9, 12 y 17), prestando especial atención a la contribución diferencial de las empresas con fórmula cooperativa. Se focaliza en las acciones vinculadas con la organización del trabajo, la producción, la innovación y su inserción en los mercados. Para ello, se trabaja con un análisis de significatividad de variables de las matrices 2x2 y con un análisis factorial multivariado de correspondencias múltiples. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de relevancia que existe una alineación positiva entre las prácticas de las entidades del sector apícola y los ODS 5, ODS 12 y ODS 17, con una tendencia también diferencial y positiva para las organizaciones con fórmula cooperativa. No obstante, los resultados dan cuenta también de los desafíos a futuro que enfrenta el sector, especialmente en materia de los ODS 8 y 9.EEA San JuanFil: Andrieu, Jimena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Juan; Argentina.Fil: Andrieu, Jimena. Universidad Nacional de San Juan; Argentina.Fil: Bernal-Jurado, Enrique. Universidad de Jaén; EspañaFil: Mozas-Moral, Adoración. Universidad de Jaén; EspañaFil: Fernández-Uclés, Domingo. Universidad de Jaén; Españ

    Innovation as the Backbone of Sustainable Development Goals

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    This paper focuses on the achievement of one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Social Economy enterprises. Specifically, this research studies which are the conditioning factors for the active use of ICT (technological innovation) in the second-degree of olive oil cooperativism in Spain. The reason for the importance of this sector is that it currently leads world oil production. Moreover, second-degree cooperativism overcomes one of the problems frequently pointed out by the literature on the olive sector, namely the lack of concentration and integration of supply. In order to achieve the objective established in this research study, the fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) methodological technique has been used. The results obtained indicate that the degree of technological innovation is favored by the intensity of cooperative integration, diversification within the company, orientation towards the final market (packaged sales), ICT training of employees, the commercial importance of the foreign sector and the supply of ecological products

    The importance of websites for organic agri-food producers

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    Spanish agri-food producers, particularly organic producers, have faced commercial problems for years. Websites are able to combine informative, relational and transactional functions. This ability makes them attractive sales channels in sectors such as the organic agri-food sector, which has traditionally had major commercial shortcomings in these three areas. This study is built on this premise. The study explored whether organic agri-food producers and conventional producers differ in terms of their use of websites as a sales channel and their degree of interaction with users. The extended model of Internet commerce adoption (eMICA) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) were used. Other statistical techniques were also used. The fieldwork began with a sample of 998 producers (239 organic and 759 conventional). The results reveal differences between organic and conventional olive oil producers regarding website adoption and use. In terms of attracting website visits, the results also reveal the relevance of being an organic producer and having a capitalist or cooperative company structur

    Determining Factors for Economic Efficiency in the Organic Olive Oil Sector

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    Spain looms large worldwide in organic olive oil production. However, this productive potential contrasts with the low internal consumption of the product. This situation makes Spain a world leader in its export. Companies in this sector have clear deficiencies, which must be corrected to ensure their survival over time. In this context, the aim of this study is to analyse the level of efficiency, in economic terms, of organic olive oil producers and to identify the factors explaining the best organizational practices. To do so, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) have been used. The results reveal low levels of economic efficiency and the variables determining said efficiency